Physical Therapy

LifeScape’s physical therapists are experts in movement across the lifespan. Our therapists help children and adults build the strength, balance, and coordination they need to move more easily and participate fully in the activities they enjoy.

Common Conditions We Treat:

"It's always really rewarding coming to work when you know that you're making a difference"

Hear what Sarah, a Physical Therapist at our Rapid City location, has to say about her time at LifeScape.

Additional PT Information

Our Therapy Programs

Gross Motor Delays

Our therapists work to improve a child’s ROM, strength, mobility, posture, balance, coordination, and endurance for independent function.

Seating and Mobility (manual & powered wheelchairs)

LifeScape offers specialized services for assessment of patients who use wheelchairs for mobility in their home and community. An experienced team of physical and occupational therapists, equipment specialists, and equipment technicians, provide thorough evaluations of wheelchair seating and mobility/positioning needs.

For more information, you can download the following flyer:

Torticollis Treatment

Torticollis, tightness in one or more of the neck muscles, is one of the most common diagnoses seen in infants today. With early intervention, torticollis is manageable, and infants have an excellent prognosis. LifeScape offers comprehensive and skilled physical therapy services to address torticollis, no matter the cause.

Our therapists use range of motion exercises, positioning ideas to discourage the child’s preferred position, and strengthening to decrease asymmetry that may be occurring. We work in conjunction with orthotists to decrease the need for a cranial helmet.

  • Intrauterine positioning (especially with multiple births)
  • Traumatic birth
  • Asymmetrical positioning
  • Visual disturbances
  • Bony anomalies of the spine
  • Reflux
  • Neurological syndromes
  • The rapid growth of the head at an early age helps in resolving or preventing plagiocephaly
  • Increased elasticity of the muscles
  • Less voluntary resistance to stretching/treatment
  • Shorter duration of treatment
  • Decreased probability or need for cranial orthotic (helmet)

Advantages of Early Intervention (before three months of age):

For more information, you can download the following flyer:

Assistive Devices (standers & gait trainers)

Our therapists are trained to evaluate an individual to determine the equipment that will best meet their needs and promote optimal positioning, mobility, independence, and overall function. We help people of all ages learn to walk or relearn to walk following a surgery or illness. We utilize special equipment that further helps patients walk and improve gait pattern. Each individualized equipment will help them better access their environment at home, school, and in the community.

Standing Frames

Equipment that provides upright positioning for patients who are unable to actively stand without support.

  • Enable patients to interact eye-to-eye with peers
  • Improves well-being, alertness, and sleep patterns
  • Enhances circulation and respiration function
  • Aids digestion and bowel/bladder function
  • Facilitates formation of hip joint in early development
  • Stretches muscles, preventing contracture
  • Increases bone density and reduces risk of fractures
  • Improves skin integrity by relieving pressure

Gait Trainers/Walkers

Equipment that facilitates development of pre-requisites for ambulation and improves walking ability and gait patterns.

  • Similar to benefits of standing frames
  • Provide external postural support for improved control, balance, and safety
  • Assist with independent stepping and walking distance
  • Allow for practice of walking
  • Provide positive impact on body structure and function, activity, and social participation

Neuromuscular Diseases/Deficits

We provide specialized care for children with neuromuscular disorders and other related conditions in order to improve their activities of daily living. We use a variety of therapy interventions to improve a child’s functional mobility and to promote the development of new skills. Physical therapy sessions may include use of the Universal Exercise Unit, SoloStep, or additional therapy equipment and tools at our outpatient therapy clinics.

Bowel & Bladder Treatment

Our physical therapists address impairments related to a variety of bowel and bladder concerns, including:

Our physical therapists address bowel and bladder concerns with interventions designed specifically for each patient. Therapy may incorporate relaxation and strengthening exercises for the pelvic floor muscles using biofeedback therapy, core strengthening, coordination of breathing exercises, and home program recommendations.

For more information, you can download one of the following flyers:

Serial Casting

Use of repeated lower extremity castings to improve ankle flexibility and alignment for correction of toe-walking and reduce the risk of contracture and lower extremity pain.

For more information, you can download one of the following flyers:

Adaptive Aquatics

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Following an orthopedic surgery, inpatient rehabilitation stay for neurological and/or orthopedic concerns, or after an accident, illness, or injury, our physical therapists are ready to help patients work towards meeting their goals and returning to their prior level of function. We have a variety of equipment available and the knowledge to help patients advance their skills and transition to less restrictive equipment with a goal of returning to family, peer, and community activities.


Our intensive therapy program is designed to provide physical therapy services at an increased frequency over a shorter duration of time than traditional physical therapy, applying the principles of neuroplasticity to improve a child’s functional mobility. On average, patients are seen 3-5 times per week over a 3 to 6-week duration. The time and duration of each patient’s intensive program depends on that individual patient’s needs, endurance, tolerance, and age.

Our therapists work with patients and caregivers to identify specific goals that are meaningful to the patient and family, and these goals are addressed over the course of therapy. Additional physical therapy at a decreased frequency may be recommended at the end of an intensive to continue to address a patient’s ongoing goals. During a child’s course of intensive therapy treatment, the child may receive physical therapy, occupational therapy, or a combination of both.

A typical intensive physical therapy session may include:

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