Ensuring your child is ready to succeed. Education is vital to the development of your child. That’s why our therapists have put together a few articles on topics that you might need a little insight into to help your child be their very best.
Research suggests that knowing more than one language helps to prevent dementia, by serving as a kind of mental workout for your brain.
But what about children who struggle to speak one language? Can we expect them to learn a second?
The answer seems to be yes—at least in certain situations.
Believe it or not, children with limited vocabularies (even just a few words) can learn those words in more than one language. It seems that, if a child has mastered a certain label or concept, such as “apple” or “more,” the child can learn another name for that same item or concept.
In general, the outcome seems to depend on the support that exists for both languages in the child’s environment. Like anyone, a child with a language disorder will struggle to learn and maintain a language if it isn’t spoken frequently, either at home or at school. As long as there is rich immersion in the language in at least one environment, kids can learn the second language to the level of their overall language development.
The fact is that speaking two languages is crucial for many children. They may need one language for school, but without access to their family’s native language, they are cut off from the language-rich conversations of family members. Sometimes, there are older relatives who only speak the native language. Interactions with those family members are limited if the child hasn’t learned the second language.
If family members are still regularly using the native language in conversation at home, the child needs access to that language too.
When family members are encouraged to speak to their child in the language with which they are most comfortable, this provides the richest and most fluent language stimulation. On the other hand, well-meaning professionals who wrongly advise parents to speak to their child using only the language of the surrounding community, so as not to “confuse” the child, can inadvertently limit children’s language stimulation. The most language-rich input, with a wide vocabulary and variety of grammatical markers, is received from parents speaking fluently in their native language.
The bottom line: speak to your child in your native language, which you feel the most comfortable speaking. The stronger your child’s native language skills become, the stronger their skills will be in their second language. Remember, a label or concept learned in one language can be fairly easily learned in another language.
Sure, you may need to simplify your speech for a child with a language disorder, using shorter sentences and simpler vocabulary. But the same is true no matter what language you are speaking.
So go ahead, speak freely with your child in the language you feel the most comfortable, and rest assured that you are making the best choice for his or her language development.
For more information about early intervention services that LifeScape offers for young children with autism, including speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy, call us for details: In Sioux Falls, (605) 444-9700. In Rapid City, (605) 791-7400.
More outside play over this past summer and increased use of tablets and other technology can erase progress made during the school year on handwriting. If your child is struggling with handwriting, there are some fun things you can do to help.
Handwriting is far more complex than most realize. There are essentially three components to good handwriting that parents can easily monitor: formation, position, and spacing. Letter formation is different than letter construction. Letters should be formed starting from the top, not the bottom, and should start on the left and not the right. Learning Without Tears® offers an excellent handwriting curriculum and offers free downloads. Positioning means that letters should sit right on the line. Letters like g, j, y, etc. dip below the line. Sizing should also be consistent, and all capitals are the same size. Finally, there should be proper space between letters and between words. Placing a finger after a word helps ensure enough space is allowed.
Sitting at a table and putting pencil to paper day after day is, fortunately, not necessary. Consider these alternative fun and creative ways to practice letter formation:
If your kids can’t get enough of that messy play outside, an outdoor paint easel can provide hours of fun. Even cleaning it is fun, using a garden hose! Here's how to make one!
Just five minutes a day will have powerful results for your child. Happy writing!
Call us for details: In Sioux Falls, (605) 444-9700. In Rapid City, (605) 791-7400.
Research shows that flexible seating in the classroom improves classroom engagement, on task behaviors, motivation, improves focus and attention, increased burning of calories, uses up excess energy, and it increases core strength and posture. The benefits of flexible seating in the classroom outweigh the negatives. Flexible seating should allow for students to do their best learning. The child should be moved to another type of seating if the chosen seating is causing a distraction or is being used incorrectly. Students should try all the available seating options for an entire day to see which seating they prefer for optimal learning.
Options for flexible seating:
Call us for details: In Sioux Falls, (605) 444-9700. In Rapid City, (605) 791-7400.
The first three to five years of life are critical in the growth and development of your child’s brain. Sharing language with him or her is never more important for later success in school and life. One way to do this is by regularly reading aloud to your child. It’s not only enjoyable and a bonding experience, it encourages speech and language skills, and can enhance memory, analytical thinking, vocabulary, and general knowledge. As humans, we’re hard-wired for connection with others, but those connections must be developed through regular interaction.
When caregivers read aloud, babies hear the sounds of language and the rhythm of speech, which helps them develop adult-like speech sounds, pitch and melody, first in babbling and then when using words in phrases. Book reading exposes older children to new vocabulary, reinforces social skills, and helps them learn about new experiences.
Pictures in books help children understand the connection between spoken words and their meanings. The story in the book is consistent, no matter how many times it is read, which helps children understand grammar and more complex sentences. Through books, children are also exposed to text and begin to recognize that written words are important, even if they are not able to read them yet.
HOW you read is important. Read with emotion, “do the voices” of the characters, change the speed, volume, and pitch of your voice, and pause to allow your child to respond.
Tips for reading aloud:
Reading to your child for 20 minutes each day is an effective and enjoyable way to set the stage for academic achievement.
Call us for details: In Sioux Falls, (605) 444-9700. In Rapid City, (605) 791-7400.
Learning to write can be very challenging. Ensuring a child has mastered pre-writing skills before introducing letter or number writing, can remove some of the stress and frustration. Pre-writing skills include the lines and strokes that make up letters and numbers. Each of these strokes are developed in a sequence, based on a child’s age.
Developmental Sequence of Pre-Writing Strokes:
If a child is struggling to progress through the sequence of pre-writing strokes, it could indicate delays in fine motor skills, visual motor skills, or poor hand strength. For further information on helping your child master pre-writing skills, please call us in Sioux Falls at 605-444-9700; and in Rapid City at 605-791-7400.
The need for classroom sensory supports, tools, and strategies has steadily increased over the last few years. Trends of increased screen time, less opportunity for movement, and fewer breaks in the school day has a direct impact on a child’s attention to task, focus, and self-regulation (mood, emotions, and behavior).
The following are some “tools” for your teachers’ toolbox to help students succeed in the classroom and throughout their school day – and they are time and cost efficient! We have you covered—from head to toe!
Movement is a must! Our brains need sensory input at least every 90 minutes. Movement increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Beyond utilizing what recess time is available, here are other strategies to support engagement and development. These are big muscle activities that are quick, easy, and usually most effective when done with rhythm and at a steady pace (ie: on a count of 10).
Appropriately-sized seating. The rule of 90 (hips, knees, ankles, and elbows resting on table should all be at 90° angles. This help kids focus on what is being taught, not on keeping themselves upright and stable.
Alternative seating options to try:
It helps to remember that humans are sensory beings, and our learning – starting in infancy - depends on exposure to sensory stimulation (light, sound, taste, touch, and movement). Addressing those sensory needs can make all the difference!
Call us for details: In Sioux Falls, (605) 444-9700. In Rapid City, (605) 791-7400.
As if the parental ‘love-hate’ relationship with electronics wasn’t bad enough, distance learning for many school-aged children led to a greater attachment and several more hours of staring at a screen. Even if your child is taking screen time privileges to the max, using apps and websites that are educational or even help foster age-appropriate developmental skills can put your mind at ease. Here are a few that LifeScape therapists have used and recommend!
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